Richard Jay Solomon


Richard Jay Solomon is the Chief Scientist on CTech’s research project to develop a novel, wave-based, full-spectrum imaging sensor, spectrometer, and full-spectrum display. This project has been sponsored since 1997 by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Naval Research Lab, NASA, and the National Security Agency. The sensor and associated software for imaging is currently being co-developed with the University of Pennsylvania where Solomon is Visiting Faculty at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering. He is Co-Principal Investigator at U. Penn for the project with Prof. Jonathan Smith.

This full-spectrum imaging system is based on a novel “Wave Theory of Human Vision” co-developed with Eric Rosenthal and Clark Johnson of CTech. The system is essentially a lightband, phased array nano-antenna architecture applying computationally-intensive convolution software — termed “Software Defined Lensing” (SDL) — for image rendering.

Three patents have been awarded to Solomon and colleagues on the sensor, spectrometer and display technology, with patents pending for the  implementation of SDL. (A working prototype of the patented wave-based, super-accurate “light synthesizer” has been demonstrated at Penn State University under an ONR contract.) The imaging effort continues work Solomon began at U. Penn in 1998, studying the interfaces between super high-speed networking, electronic imaging and the human perceptual system, working with Prof. David Farber.

From 1990-1997, Solomon was Associate Director of the Research Program on Communications Policy (RPCP) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development. He joined MIT's RPCP in 1977, and held a joint appointment as a Visiting Scientist at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. RPCP served as a think-tank and government advisor on telecommunications matters and high-resolution systems, funded primarily by DARPA, NASA and the National Science Foundation.


As a principal at RPCP, Solomon was instrumental in the creation of the ground-breaking, HDTV progressive scan MIT/Polaroid/Philips 720P/60 camera, under a contract with NASA and DARPA. The camera’s specs was based on psychophysical research conducted at the MIT Media Lab in the late 1980s. Solomon joined MIT in 1969 as a Research Associate in the Urban Systems Lab.


Solomon is the co-author of The Gordian Knot: Gridlock on the Information Highway (MIT Press, 1997), which won the 1997 Donald McGannon Award in Communication Policy Research, numerous papers on telecom and imaging technology, and 4 books on urban planning and transport infrastructure.

During 1976-1980, Solomon was a Fellow at Harvard University with the Program on Information Resources Policy, where he researched regulatory and technology issues in telecom and transportation. He was an Adjunct Professor in NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts from 1990-92. From 1973-1975 Mr. Solomon was a staff associate at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in the Dept. of Civil Engineering. During the 1980s and early 1990s, he served on various U.S delegations to the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva for the working group on HDTV standards, was a consultant to the U.S. State Department on international telecommunications and HDTV policy, and a consultant on information technologies to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, and the European Commission in Brussels.

Mr. Solomon holds 12 patents and several patents pending on telecommunications, telephony, Internet computer protocols and applications, electronic imaging and spectroscopy devices.

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